2020 Annual Meeting

2020 Annual Meeting
Zoom Video-conference

Saturday August 8
4:30p EDT
Zoom Videoconference, NOT AT THE CASTLE

Detailed instructions on using Zoom have been sent by Mark and Bonnie and they will send again prior to the meeting.

Please spend some time reviewing the following documents: CPA ZOOM INSTRUCTIONS (which include screenshots of Android and iOS devices) and GENERAL TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL ZOOM MEETING. You can download Zoom (Zoom.US) for free and practice getting a good view of yourself for others to see, adjusting your screen, raising your hand, and muting yourself. We have had two practice meetings and found how long it takes to instruct participants who have not done it before and how slowly things can go, for various reasons. Please prepare! We have. Ask for help before the meeting!

Agenda is HERE and on the website, ByLaws, News and Reports. Note that I have put the known business requiring a vote at the start, to be sure we get it done. We hope things go smoothly, but just in case we run out of time, we must cover the basics.

Draft 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes are HERE and on the website.

Proxy form is HERE and on the website. We need a copy; paper, email or text photo, in the hands of Bonnie or me before the meeting.

Committee reports will be HERE and on the website. We are still collecting them. This can help us reduce what must be said at the meeting if things are going slowly.

Mid-Year 2020 Financial Reports are HERE and on  the website.

Please be patient with the Board, Bonnie, Mark, and fellow Castle Parkers in our meeting. This is a first for us all.

Jim Carr, President
Castle Park Board of Trustees

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