Greetings to All,

I am writing to make everyone aware that there are five lots remaining on Indian Pipe Circle. In accordance with our Castle Park guidelines, I want you to know that these lots will soon be publicly listed for sale. Many of you will recall that we originally had sixteen lots available on Indian Pipe, of which ten were ultimately sold to fellow Castle Parkers. This will mark the first time that any of these lots have been listed since the project was initiated in 2007.

Indian Pipe is a PUD site condominium with a Master Plan laid out by the environmental consulting firm of J.F. New. It has shared common elements, a private road and its own Association. The site was designed to be compatible with Castle Park, having small lots over-looking a campus area outlined by split rail fencing and Carter Brown style lamp posts. Emphasis has always been on environmental preservation and the property is protected on the East by the Dune Pines Reserve and on the West by a conservation easement. Deer, turkey and fox are observed on a daily basis along with the occasional dog walker.

All public utilities: gas, electric, cable and water are in place so each site is shovel ready. We would prefer to continue to sell lots to Castle Parkers. If you or any of your friends have an interest in an Indian Pipe lot, please contact me for a “walk about” and further details.

Best regards,
Dick Muzzy
616-335-2183 or 616-405-3745

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