Additional Annual Meeting Information

This message and links provide additional information relevant to the Association’s Annual Meeting, at 4:30 Saturday afternoon in the Castle. Please plan to attend, as you will be asked to vote on the proposed acquisition of the “Bamborough property” as well as on three new Trustees. You were provided information about the Bamborough acquisition with my message of August 4; as to the new Trustees, the nominating committee has proposed, and the Board has approved, the following to replace Suzanne Dixon, Lawrence Hedblom, and me: Connie Burton, Tim Griffin and Jeff Webb.

Among other items on the Agenda that you received on August 4 are financial reports which you will find through the links below.

23-07 Operating Budget

23-07 Balance Sheet

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday at 4:30.

Beverly Hall Burns, President, CPA

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