Facts, Fun and Safety

Welcome to July 4 weekend, 2023! On behalf of your Board of Trustees, here’s hoping you all have a fun and festive holiday. We have lots going on, and this is to highlight a few things:

First, members of the Board will be available at the Castle at 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 1, to describe and answer questions you may have about the proposed purchase-for-a-nominal-amount ($10) of the parcel commonly known as the Bambrough property. This parcel, as you know, is presently owned by the Carter P. Brown Legacy Preservation Fund, which has offered it to the Association in order to complete Association ownership of the Castle Park Campus. Our bylaws require 2/3 affirmative vote of members attending a meeting at which a property acquisition is proposed, and this matter is likely to come before the membership at the Annual Meeting in August. Your Board wants to assure you have the opportunity to learn about the proposal and to ask questions, so please attend the 4 p.m. Saturday session if you wish.

Additionally, because we want the holiday to be fun and festive for all, we also want to ensure that it’s safe for all. To that end, this is a reminder to be sure you’re familiar with the Castle Park Rules and Regulations, which are in the front of your Directory, and then comply with them. I know. That goes without saying, right? Not necessarily, it seems. So please read them over, then be sure family and guests and renters are familiar with them as well. A few highlights: keep dogs on leashes and don’t let them run around unattended; drive slowly in Castle Park and come to a full stop at all stop signs; register your golf carts, then drive them no faster than 5 mph and remember they’re primarily for use by those who have a hard time getting around otherwise.

Finally, this weekend and throughout the summer, enjoy your family, friends and the gorgeous park we are privileged to call “home!”

The Beach

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