Safety First

I have observed and had other inputs regarding drivers running the stop signs at the Old Post Office and near the Barnswallow/dumpsters. We have pedestrians all year and both intersections have a “blind” aspect. In the off season there is steady automobile traffic to the Barnswallow, not for ice cream, but for the dumpsters nearby. Please make a full stop to keep these intersections safe for everyone.

It is tempting to rationalize that there is nobody around or you probably won’t get caught if you run the stop sign. But your neighbor might actually take offense at flagrant violations. Then, unfortunately, your neighbor calls me, President of the Association, not the violator.

More generally, I ask everyone to comply with CPA Rules and Regulations and automobile rules of the road. Please ask family, guests, contractors and renters to do the same. And let’s set a good example of compliance ourselves.

Jim Carr, President
Castle Park Association

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